

    • Welcome Address – Professor Rocky S Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Speech – Ms Chen Danhong, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources
    • Speech – Hon Ma Fung-kwok, GBS, JP, Chairman of Organising Committee for Xue Long 2’s visit to Hong Kong

Keynote speeches (I)

    • Keynote speech (I) – Dr Zhang Beichen
      Deputy Director, Polar Research Institute of China

Keynote speeches (II)

    • Keynote speech (II) – Mr Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP
      Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Plenary session (Session 1)

    • Polar ocean environment research
      Chaired by
      Dr Yang Huigen
      Polar Research Institute of China

Plenary session (Session 2)

    • Climate change research and innovative solutions
      Chaired by
      Professor Kwan Mei-po
      Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and Co-convenor, Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Climate Change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Breakout session (Session 3)

    • Climate action and partnerships for the goals
      Chaired by
      Dr Edward Doddridge
      Senior Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Breakout session (Session 4)

    • Climate change and global ecosystems
      Chaired by
      Professor Amos Tai
      Director, Earth System Science Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


    • Welcome Address – Professor Rocky S Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    • Speech – Ms Chen Danhong, Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources
    • Speech – Hon Ma Fung-kwok, GBS, JP, Chairman of Organising Committee for Xue Long 2’s visit to Hong Kong

Keynote speeches (I)

    • Keynote speech (I) – Dr Zhang Beichen, Deputy Director, Polar Research Institute of China

Keynote speeches (II)

    • Keynote speech (II) – Mr Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP, Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Plenary session (Session 1)

    • Polar ocean environment research, Chaired by Dr Yang Huigen, Polar Research Institute of China

Plenary session (Session 2)

    • Climate change research and innovative solutions, Chaired by Professor Kwan Mei-po, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and Co-convenor, Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Climate Change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Breakout session (Session 3)

    • Climate action and partnerships for the goals, Chaired by Dr Edward Doddridge, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Breakout session (Session 4)

    • Climate change and global ecosystems, Chaired by Professor Amos Tai, Director, Earth System Science Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Welcome Address – Professor Rocky S Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Speech – Ms Chen Danhong
Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources

Speech – Hon Ma Fung-kwok, GBS, JP
Chairman of Organising Committee for Xue Long 2’s visit to Hong Kong

Keynote speeches (I)

Keynote speech (I) – Dr Zhang Beichen

Deputy Director, Polar Research Institute of China

Keynote speeches (II)

Keynote speech (II) – Mr Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP

Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Plenary session (Session 1)

Polar ocean environment research
Chaired by
Dr Yang Huigen
Polar Research Institute of China

Plenary session (Session 2)

Climate change research and innovative solutions
Chaired by
Professor Kwan Mei-po
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and Co-convenor, Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Climate Change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Breakout session (Session 3)

Climate action and partnerships for the goals
Chaired by
Dr Edward Doddridge
Senior Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Breakout session (Session 4)

Climate change and global ecosystems
Chaired by
Professor Amos Tai
Director, Earth System Science Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

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