
Day 1 – 9 April 2024 (Tuesday)





Welcome address and speech
Welcome Address – Professor Rocky S Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Speech – Ms Chen Danhong
Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Natural Resources

Speech – Hon Ma Fung-kwok, GBS, JP
Chairman of Organising Committee for Xue Long 2’s visit to Hong Kong

Officiating Guest – Ms Michelle Li, JP
Permanent Secretary for Education, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Officiating Guest – Ms Wu Cheng
Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Science and Technology, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR

Officiating Guest – Professor Ho Kin-chung, SBS, JP
Chairman of Executive Committee for Xue Long 2’s visit to Hong Kong



Group Photo




Keynote speeches

Keynote speeches (I)
Keynote Speech (I) – Dr Zhang Beichen
Deputy Director, Polar Research Institute of China 

Keynote speeches (II)

Keynote Speech (II) – Mr Wong Kam-sing, GBS, JP
Former Secretary for the Environment, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region  


Networking Break




Plenary session (Session 1)

Polar ocean environment research (Session 1)
Chaired by
Dr Yang Huigen
Polar Research Institute of China

  • Dr He Jianfeng
    Polar Research Institute of China
  • Dr Lei Ruibo
    Polar Research Institute of China
  • Professor Yuanyuan Feng
    Associate Professor, School of Oceanography,
    Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Mr Huang Rong
    Polar Research Institute of China


Lunch Break




Plenary session (Session 2)

Climate change research and innovative solutions
Chaired by
Professor Kwan Mei-po
Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, and Co-convenor, Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Climate Change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Professor Dr Erna Sri Adiningsih
    Executive Director, Indonesian Space Agency Secretariat, National Research and Innovation Agency
  • Professor Daniel Guttman
    Professor, Tianjin University Law School
  • Professor Zhou Wen
    Professor of Atmospheric Science, Fudan University
  • Professor Dou Yinke
    Associate Dean / Professor, College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
  • Professor Zhang Nan
    Associate Professor, College of Construction and Engineering, Jilin University


Networking Break




Breakout session (Session 3)

Climate action and partnerships for the goals

Chaired by
Dr Edward Doddridge
Senior Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

  • Professor Laurie Menviel
    Associate Professor, Climate Change Research Centre,
    University of New South Wales
  • Professor Binod Dawadi
    Associate Professor, Central Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University
  • Dr Chen Zhao
    ARC DECRA Fellow and ice sheet modeller, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies,
    University of Tasmania
  • Dr Edward Doddridge
    Senior Research Associate, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania



Breakout session (Session 4)

Climate change and global ecosystems
Chaired by
Professor Amos Tai
Director, Earth System Science Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • Professor Eduardo Maeda
      Associate Professor, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki
    • Ms Luo Wei
      Polar Research Institute of China 
    • Ir Professor Yun Fat Lam
      Associate Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong
    • Mr Hao Qiang
      Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources  
    • Professor Lena Qiying Ma
      Chair Professor, College of Environmental and Resource Science, Zhejiang University


Day 2 – 10 April 2024 (Wednesday)


09:00 - 09:10


Address by the Environmental Campaign Committee


Professor Simon K L Wong, BBS, JP
Chairman, Environmental Campaign Committee, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


09:10 - 09:30


Keynote speech

Keynote speech (III)
Professor Joseph H W Lee
President, Macau University of Science and Technology

09:30 - 10:00

Networking Break


10:00 - 11:45


Breakout session (Session 5)

Dome A science: Deep ice core science and deep ice exploration
Chaired by
Professor Li Yuan-sheng
East China Normal University

  • Professor Shi Guitao School of Geographic
    Sciences, East China Normal University
  • Professor Pang Hongxi School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University
  • Professor Yuzhen Yan School of Ocean and Earth Science,
    Tongji University
  • Dr Fan Xiaopeng College of Construction Engineering, Jilin University
  • Professor Xiao Cheng School of Geospatial Engineering and Science, Sun Yat-sen University
  • Professor Wang Rujian School of Ocean and Earth Science,
    Tongji University
  • Dr Ding Minghu Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences

10:00 - 11:45


Breakout session (Session 6)

Dome A science: Astronomy from Antarctica

Chaired by
Dr Shang Zhohui
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Dr Shang Zhohui
    National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Professor Li Zhengyang
    Nanjing Institute of Astronomical Optics and Technology,
    Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Dr Ma Bin
    School of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yatsen University
  • Dr Hu Yi
    National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Dr Ren Yuan
    Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Lunch Break




Breakout session (Session 7)

Climate change and sustainable development: Navigating polar challenges
Chaired by
Dr William Yu
Chief Executive Officer, World Green Organisation  


  • Professor Leung Wing-mo
    Former Assistant Director, The Hong Kong Observatory  
  • Professor Elvis Au, BBS
    Co-founder, IESG Technologies Ltd
  • Dr Deng Beixi
    Polar Research Institute of China 
  • Mr Zhu He
    China Architecture Design and Research Group 



Breakout session (Session 8)

Climate change and marine biodiversity
Chaired by
Professor Jerome Hui
Director, Biology Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Professor Deng Wenhong
Professor, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University
Professor Liu Yang
Professor, Fisheries College, Ocean University of China
Professor Sukree Hajisamae
Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology,
Prince of Songkla University
Professor Bayden Russell
Associate Professor, School of Biological Sciences,
The University of Hong Kong
Dr Ng Cheuk Wing
Senior Lecturer, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong




Student session

A dialogue with the scientists of Xue Long 2
Moderator: Ms Natalie Chung
MoCC Scholar, Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Participating scientists: Mr Luo Guangfu
Senior Engineer, Polar Research Institute of China, and other representatives from the Institute

Participating students:

  • Miss Wai Ching
    Biology (Year 3), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Mr Wong Cheuk Hang, Ivan
    Earth and Environmental Sciences (Year 5),
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Miss Wong Lok Ying, Lorraine 
    Geography and Resource Management (Year 4),
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Miss Zhuang Zi Yue
    Form 6, Pui Kiu College
  • Mr Lee To Sang, Damon
    Form 5, Pui Ching Middle School
  • Miss Chow Wing Sum, Winsome
    Form 5, Pui Ching Middle School




Closing keynote and closing remarks

Closing Keynote – Professor Ho Kin-chung, SBS, JP
Founder, Polar Research Institute of Hong Kong

Speech – Professor Jiang Peng
Polar Research Institute of China

Closing Remarks – Professor Chan Wai-yee
Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President, and Co-convenor, Organizing Committee of Global Conference on Climate Change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 



Post-conference Networking Coffee

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